Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor: A Step-by-Step Guide - Creating a New Project

To migrate from .NET Web Forms to Blazor, creating a new Blazor project is the first step. Follow this guide for a solid foundation. Next, we'll explore how to migrate the code and enhance functionality. Stay tuned!


Steven Lieberman

12/25/20232 min read

flying bird under clear skies
flying bird under clear skies


Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Blazor, a web framework that allows you to build interactive web UIs using C#, provides a modern and flexible alternative to Web Forms. This step-by-step guide will walk you through creating a new Blazor project as the foundation for your migration.

Step 1: Install the Required Tools

Before creating a new Blazor project, you must ensure that you have the necessary tools installed on your machine. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Install the latest version of Visual Studio, preferably Visual Studio 2019 or later.

  2. During the installation process, select the ".NET Core cross-platform development" workload.

  3. Once the installation is complete, open Visual Studio and go to "Extensions" > "Manage Extensions".

  4. In the "Extensions" window, search for "Blazor" and install the "Blazor WebAssembly" and "ASP.NET Core Blazor Language Services" extensions.

Step 2: Create a New Blazor Project

Now that you have the required tools installed, you can create a new Blazor project. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio and click on "Create a new project."

  2. In the "Create a new project" window, search for "Blazor" in the search bar.

  3. Select the "Blazor App" template and click on "Next".

  4. Choose your project's name and location, then click "Create."

  5. In the "Create a new Blazor app" window, select the "Blazor WebAssembly" option and click on "Next".

  6. Choose the authentication type for your project. You can select "Individual Accounts" or "No Authentication," depending on your requirements.

  7. Click on "Create" to create the new Blazor project.

Step 3: Understanding the Project Structure

Once the new Blazor project is created, it is essential to understand its structure. Here are the key components:

  • wrote: This folder contains static assets for your application, such as CSS files, JavaScript files, and images.

  • Pages: This folder contains the Razor components that define the UI of your application. Each Razor component represents a page or a reusable component.

  • Shared: This folder contains shared components that can be used across multiple pages or components.

  • Program.cs: This file contains the entry point for your Blazor application.

  • Startup.cs: This file contains the configuration for your application, such as services and middleware.

Step 4: Customize the Project

Now that you have a basic understanding of the project structure, you can customize it to fit your needs. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Modify the existing pages or create new ones to match the functionality of your Web Forms application.

  • Update the CSS files and styles to match the design of your Web Forms application.

  • Install any additional NuGet packages that you need for your application.

  • Configure the authentication and authorization settings based on your requirements.

Step 5: Migrate the Code

Once you have customized the project, it's time to start migrating the code from your Web Forms application to Blazor. Here are some tips to help you with the migration process:

  • Start by identifying the core functionality of your Web Forms application.

  • Create equivalent Razor components in your Blazor project for each page or component in your Web Forms application.

  • Refactor the code from your Web Forms application to fit the Blazor component model.

  • Use the C# code-behind files to handle the logic and data access for your Blazor components.

  • Test each component thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected.


Creating a new Blazor project is the first step in migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor. By following this step-by-step guide, you now have a solid foundation for your Blazor application. In the following steps, we will explore how to migrate the code and enhance the functionality of your application. Stay tuned!