Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor: A Step-by-Step Guide - Layouts

Migrate from .NET Web Forms to Blazor by moving from MasterPages to Layouts. This guide shows how.


Steven Lieberman

1/18/20243 min read

Transitioning from MasterPages to Layouts in Blazor

If you're considering migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor, one of the key aspects you'll need to address is the transition from MasterPages to Layouts. In Web Forms, MasterPages provides a way to define a consistent layout for multiple pages, while in Blazor, Layout components serve a similar purpose. This step-by-step guide will walk you through migrating from MasterPages to Layouts in Blazor.

Understanding MasterPages in Web Forms

Before we dive into the migration process, let's briefly discuss what MasterPages are and how they work in Web Forms. MasterPages allow you to define a common layout for your web application, including header, footer, navigation, and other shared elements. Individual content pages can then inherit this layout and only define the unique content specific to each page.

Introducing Layout Components in Blazor

Blazor, on the other hand, uses Layout components to achieve a similar goal. Layout components are reusable components that define the common layout structure for your application. They can include navigation menus, headers, and other shared elements. Content pages in Blazor then use these Layout components to provide the unique content for each page.

Migrating from MasterPages to Layouts

Now that we have a basic understanding of MasterPages and Layouts let's walk through the process of migrating from one to the other. 1. Identify the common elements: Start by identifying the elements in your master pages that you want to include in your Layout component. This could be the header, navigation, footer, or other shared element. 2. Create a Layout component: In your Blazor project, create a new Layout component that will replace your MasterPage. This component will contain the common elements identified in the previous step. 3. Use the Layout component in content pages: Replace the MasterPage reference with the new Layout component in your content pages. This will ensure the common layout is applied to all the content pages. 4. Define content sections: In your Layout component, define content sections using the `RenderSection` method. These sections will act as placeholders for the unique content on each content page. 5. Populate content sections: In your content pages, use the `Section` component to populate the content sections defined in the Layout component. This allows you to provide unique content specific to each page. 6. Customize the Layout component: If needed, customize the Layout component further to match the specific requirements of your application. This could include adding additional shared elements or modifying the existing ones. 7. Test and iterate: Finally, test your application and make any necessary adjustments. Iterate through the migration process until you're satisfied with the results.

Benefits of using Layouts in Blazor

Migrating from MasterPages to Layouts in Blazor offers several benefits: 1. Reusability: Layout components can be reused across multiple content pages, promoting code reusability and reducing duplication. 2. Flexibility: With Layout components, you have more flexibility in defining the layout structure of your application. You can easily modify or customize the layout as per your requirements. 3. Improved maintainability: Layout components make it easier to maintain and update the common layout elements of your application. Any changes made to the layout component will automatically be reflected in all the content pages. 4. Seamless integration with Blazor features: Layout components seamlessly integrate with other Blazor features, such as routing and component composition, allowing you to build more complex and interactive applications.


Transitioning from MasterPages to Layouts is essential when migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor. Following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can smoothly transition from the old MasterPage-based layout structure to the modern Layout component approach in Blazor. This migration not only brings the benefits of reusability and flexibility but also aligns your application with the latest trends in web development. Embrace the power of Blazor's Layout components and unlock a world of possibilities for your web applications.