Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor: A Step-by-Step Guide - Managing State

Blazor is a modern web framework from Microsoft that smoothly replaces the traditional .NET Web Forms model. When migrating from Web Forms to Blazor, state management is a critical area to address.

Steven Lieberman

1/14/20242 min read

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person holding pencil near laptop computer


Blazor, the modern web framework from Microsoft, offers a seamless transition from the traditional .NET Web Forms development model. As you embark on the journey of migrating your application from Web Forms to Blazor, state management is one of the key areas you'll need to address.

The Difference in State Management

State management in Blazor is different from Web Forms. In Web Forms, the ViewState object is used to persist the state of controls across postbacks. However, Blazor follows a different approach to state management, leveraging the power of Razor syntax and the underlying .NET runtime.

Migrating ViewState to Blazor

When migrating from Web Forms to Blazor, you must find a suitable state management strategy to replace the ViewState. Fortunately, Blazor provides several options for managing state, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your application's requirements.

1. Local Component State

Blazor components have their local state, which can be used to store and manage data within the element. This state is automatically preserved and updated by Blazor during the component's lifecycle. You can use local component states for simple scenarios where the state needs to be isolated within a specific element.

2. Cascading Parameters

Cascading parameters allow you to hierarchically pass data from a parent component to its child components. This is useful when you have a common piece of data that needs to be shared across multiple components. By defining a cascading parameter in the parent component, you can propagate the data down the component tree, making it accessible to all child components.

3. Services

Blazor supports using services for managing states that needbe shared across multiple components. Depending on your application's requirements, services can be registered as singletons or scoped. By injecting the service into the elements that need access to the shared state, you can ensure that the state remains consistent across the application.

4. Redux-like State Management

If your application requires more advanced state management capabilities, consider using a library like Fluxor or Blazor-State. These libraries provide a Redux-like architecture for managing the state in Blazor, allowing you to define actions, reducers, and a central store to hold the application state. This approach is particularly useful for complex applications with many components and complex state interactions.

Choosing the Right State Management Strategy

When migrating from Web Forms to Blazor, it's important to carefully evaluate your application's state management requirements and choose the right strategy. Consider factors such as your application's complexity, the state's size, and the level of reusability required.

If your application has simple state management needs, such as maintaining the state within a single component, local component state, or cascading parameters may be sufficient. These approaches are easy to implement and provide a lightweight solution.

Services or a Redux-like state management approach may be more suitable for more complex applications with shared state requirements. These strategies offer more flexibility and scalability, allowing you to manage state across multiple components and ensure consistency throughout the application.


Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor is an exciting journey that opens up a world of possibilities for modern web development. Regarding state management, Blazor offers a range of options, allowing you to find the right strategy for your application's needs.

By understanding the differences in state management between Web Forms and Blazor and exploring the various state management strategies available in Blazor, you'll be well-equipped to migrate your application successfully and ensure a smooth transition to the new framework.