Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor: A Step-by-Step Guide - Security

Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor? Don't forget to migrate your security settings too, including authentication and authorization.


Steven Liebverman

2/4/20243 min read

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flying bird under clear skies


Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor can be an exciting journey but comes with its fair share of challenges. One crucial aspect that needs to be addressed during the migration process is security. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how security, including authentication and authorization, is handled differently in Blazor compared to Web Forms. We will also discuss the steps you need to take to migrate your security settings from Web Forms to Blazor.

Understanding the Differences

Before we dive into the migration process, let's take a moment to understand the key differences in security implementation between Web Forms and Blazor.


In Web Forms, authentication is typically handled using ASP.NET Forms Authentication or third-party libraries like IdentityServer. Blazor, on the other hand, provides built-in authentication support through the ASP.NET Core Identity framework. This framework offers robust features for managing user authentication, including user registration, login, and password management.

To migrate your authentication settings from Web Forms to Blazor, you must configure the ASP.NET Core Identity framework in your Blazor application. This involves setting up the necessary database tables, configuring the authentication middleware, and updating your login and registration pages to use the new framework.


In Web Forms, authorization is typically implemented using role-based access control (RBAC) or custom authorization logic. Blazor, on the other hand, follows a component-based approach to approval. Each Blazor component can have its authorization requirements, which can be defined using the [Authorize] attribute.

To migrate your authorization settings from Web Forms to Blazor, you must identify the authorization requirements for each component and update the code accordingly. This may involve adding the [Authorize] attribute to specific elements or implementing custom authorization logic.

Migration Steps

Now that we better understand the differences in security implementation between Web Forms and Blazor let's discuss the step-by-step process for migrating your security settings.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Current Security Implementation

Before you begin the migration process, evaluating your current security implementation in Web Forms is essential. Take note of the authentication and authorization mechanisms you are using and any custom logic you have implemented. This will help you identify the changes you need to make in Blazor.

Step 2: Set up ASP.NET Core Identity

To enable authentication in your Blazor application, you must set up the ASP.NET Core Identity framework. This involves configuring the necessary database tables, updating the Startup.cs file to include the authentication middleware and add the required services to the dependency injection container.

Once you have set up ASP.NET Core Identity, you can start migrating your user registration, login, and password management functionality from Web Forms to Blazor. Update your registration and login pages to use the new framework, and make any necessary changes to handle password hashing and storage.

Step 3: Update Authorization Logic

Next, you must update the authorization logic in your Blazor application. Identify the components that require authorization and add the [Authorize] attribute to them. This attribute specifies the roles or policies needed to access the component.

If you have custom authorization logic in your Web Forms application, you must reimplement it in Blazor. This may involve writing custom authorization policies or implementing authorization checks within the components.

Step 4: Test and Refine

Once you have completed the migration steps, thoroughly testing your Blazor application's security features is essential. Test the user registration and login functionality and the authorization requirements for each component. Make any necessary refinements or bug fixes based on your testing results.


Migrating from .NET Web Forms to Blazor is a significant undertaking, but with careful planning and execution, it can be a smooth transition. Regarding security, authentication and authorization are handled differently in Blazor compared to Web Forms. Following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can successfully migrate your security settings from Web Forms to Blazor and ensure a secure and robust application.